
BRAND NEW FOR JANUARY 2022 – Lantern Light Underground Tour

You can see Norwich’s medieval street in a whole new light on tours exploring the darker side of the city’s history.

The Lantern Light Underground Tour is exclusive to January 2022 at The Shoebox Community Hub in Castle Meadow.

Groups of up to 12 will be plunged into darkness and venture down two flights of stairs with only a lantern to  light your way, creating an eerie experience. You will then step into a genuine medieval street that was built in the old castle ditches which surrounded Norwich Castle when they were eight metres deep. 

There are buildings that date back to the 15th century, including a weavers’ cottage and merchant’s house with an undercroft. The Hidden Street Tour has already been running there since 2016, but this new experience will explore more of Norwich’s darker history with lots of new content.